How it all started...
Twenty-five men and women stepped forward to organize Wesley Chapel Methodist Church on Aldersgate Day, May 24, 1951. The date and the name were intentional, connecting the newly formed church with one of the leading founders of the Methodist Movement, John Wesley, and the Church he established in the London, England, borough of Islington in 1778.
According to one historical account, Wesley Chapel was the results of "prayer, and work, and preparation, and planning, and more prayer." Further testimony records the Church was "born because of the spirit which transformed John still present and available for those who desire to spread 'scriptural holiness.'"
The first worship service was held October 19, 1951, and within a year, the congregation moved into Church facilities January 27, 1952.
Paneled in wood, the sanctuary's high vaulted ceilings, stained glass windows, handcrafted marble altar and wooden cross, provide a sacred and reverential worship atmosphere in a beauty second to none. Today, Wesley Chapel remains a testimony to an enduring legacy dedicated to reach the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and nurturing souls in the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ.
According to one historical account, Wesley Chapel was the results of "prayer, and work, and preparation, and planning, and more prayer." Further testimony records the Church was "born because of the spirit which transformed John still present and available for those who desire to spread 'scriptural holiness.'"
The first worship service was held October 19, 1951, and within a year, the congregation moved into Church facilities January 27, 1952.
Paneled in wood, the sanctuary's high vaulted ceilings, stained glass windows, handcrafted marble altar and wooden cross, provide a sacred and reverential worship atmosphere in a beauty second to none. Today, Wesley Chapel remains a testimony to an enduring legacy dedicated to reach the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and nurturing souls in the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Expanding the vision...
Wesley Chapel's namesake, John Wesley, and the revival movement he and others were instrumental in its undertaking, transformed 18th century England, impacting the religious, social, and political landscape of their time.
Ripe for revival, the movement was fueled by prayer, energized by the Holy Spirit, and through powerful preaching, teaching, and organization, the message of the assurance of salvation was provided for all who would believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and through the assistance of the Holy Spirit, devotion to the Scriptures, and determination to follow the ways and teachings of Christ, multitudes turned to Christ as Savior and Lord.
Ripe for revival, Sylacauga and surrounding communities provide a harvest field, and through prayer, proclamation, personal witness, discipleship, worship, and community outreach, Wesley Chapel is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel, which is "the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes."
Dedicating time, talents, resources to the Commission of evangelism and discipleship, Wesley Chapel stands poised to usher in another revival, one that awakens souls from the slumber of spiritual death, that serves to reconcile God and man, that restores lives, families, and friends, and witnesses a spiritual awakening in Sylacauga and the surrounding communities.
Ripe for revival, the movement was fueled by prayer, energized by the Holy Spirit, and through powerful preaching, teaching, and organization, the message of the assurance of salvation was provided for all who would believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and through the assistance of the Holy Spirit, devotion to the Scriptures, and determination to follow the ways and teachings of Christ, multitudes turned to Christ as Savior and Lord.
Ripe for revival, Sylacauga and surrounding communities provide a harvest field, and through prayer, proclamation, personal witness, discipleship, worship, and community outreach, Wesley Chapel is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel, which is "the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes."
Dedicating time, talents, resources to the Commission of evangelism and discipleship, Wesley Chapel stands poised to usher in another revival, one that awakens souls from the slumber of spiritual death, that serves to reconcile God and man, that restores lives, families, and friends, and witnesses a spiritual awakening in Sylacauga and the surrounding communities.
Where we are headed...
Wesley Chapel's legacy reaches much further back to the 18th century Methodist movement, finding its foundation upon Jesus Christ, the foundation of the Church, and Cornerstone of the Household of God. We may look back to our legacy of John Wesly and others for inspiration of dedication to the cause of Christ, but it is Christ Jesus Himself and the Commission He laid at the feet of His Disciples that motivates us to continue the mission, and will continue to engage people in worship, discipleship, and community outreach in an effort to reach the lost, the broken, the displaced, the disillusioned. This is our invitation to the community:
Come join us and TOGETHER we can make a difference in our community!
Come join us and TOGETHER we can make a difference in our community!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11 am, and for Bible Study Wednesday at 7 pm.